
FSC Briefing Paper (2023). Relational trauma in children of divorce and separation.

FSC (2023) Childhood relational trauma i
Adobe Acrobat Document 274.7 KB

Relational trauma in children of divorce and separation was prepared for a seminar at the UK Parliament House of Lords in 2023. 

Woodall, N. (2021). The alienated child: Responding to cases of post separation parental rejection.

Woodall N (2021) The alienated child Res
Adobe Acrobat Document 89.3 KB

'Whilst alienation may, on the surface, look like a problem of a child not spending time with one of their parents, the more serious problem for the child is the unconscious mechanism that enables a child to act counter to the evolutionary imperative to remain in relationship with, and in proximity to, their attachment figures.'